When you earn your Life Scout award, get an Eagle application and Eagle Service project workbook from your Scoutmaster. Don’t start your project until after your Life Board of Review. Go on line and download fillable .pdf forms for the project workbook (512-927) and Eagle Application (512-728). Be sure you use the current forms.
Review the workbook and application with parents and your Scoutmaster.
Be sure you have a qualified leadership position for 6 months after Life.
All requirements except the Board of Review must be done before you are 18.
Your Service Project - Goal: Plan, Develop & Give Leadership
•Identify your project, talk to the beneficiary organization and discuss it with your Scoutmaster. * If the organization gives you a “plan” of how it must be done it won’t qualify.
- It must benefit a non-profit organization; it may not directly benefit Boy Scouts.
- It must be your project alone; not a continuation or shared.
- You must show leadership - plan, organize and direct the project yourself. Parents may provide transportation and support, work should be done by fellow scouts and friends, not your family.
- It must be tangible - not solely fund raising, but you can raise funds to cover the project costs. It cannot be routine labor such as weeding, collecting trash, cleaning.
- There are no minimum hours, but you must show significant time spent in planning, developing & leading.
- Complete and neatly fill in the planning requirements in the workbook.
•Get approvals - signatures in the project work book page 9 before starting.
- Scoutmaster
- Beneficiary organization representative you listed in the workbook pg 6
- Troop Committee member
- Member of the District Eagle advancement committee. The Council has the names.
•After you get the signatures, lead others in doing the project. Keep track of -
- Everyone who worked, hours worked.
- When the work was done.
- Your hours and cost. donated materials, tools etc.
- Include all your planning hours.
•Complete the project workbook - BSA publication 512-927
- Get before, during & after pictures.
- Work the project plan, get approval for major changes from the Eagle committee.
- Write out neat reports for the various parts.
- Have the completed work approved and get the signatures to show it.
Eagle Application - BSA form 512-728
•Neatly fill out the application, use a fillable .pdf form.
•Identify your references & have them send letters to the Scoutmaster -
Your written statement of personal goals (requirement 6)
Letter from your parents
Letter from religious leader
Letter from a teacher
Letter from employer (if any)
Letters from two other references.
•Check with the Advancement chairman for official dates of merit badges & advancements.
•Attend a Scoutmaster’s conference to review, verify and discuss the application & project report.
Scoutmaster must sign the application and workbook.
Copies are made for the Scoutmaster.
•Scoutmaster submits the completed application to the Scout Service Center for verification.
Board of Review -
•Scoutmaster gets reviewed papers back from the Service center.
•You must contact the District Eagle committee representative & get some tentative times for a board of Review.
•The Scoutmaster/Scout/Committee chairman organize a board of 3-6 people, and set a date for the board.
Who attends the board -
District Eagle committee representative
2-3 other board members of your choice, no relatives.
Scout, dressed in his finest Scouting clothes.
Scoutmaster (as an observer)
Scout’s parents (interviewed first)
What the board does -
Reviews application, workbook, letters.
Determine the Scout’s attitudes & acceptance of Scouting ideals
Make sure the Scout has performed the requirements.
Discuss the Oath and Law
Vote to accept the candidate. If approved, the Scout is an Eagle.
Signs the application & advancement report
•Scoutmaster takes paperwork to the Service Center for final approval.
•After it is reviewed by the National Council, it is returned.
Eagle Court of Honor is held.
Set a date, time & arrange the location.
Scoutmaster will print invitations for you.
Identify special features you want in your Eagle Court of Honor.
Cub Scout pictures
Eagle project pictures
Eagle mentor & special guests
This web site has more details: