1974 Charter

Here are the leaders and members of Troop 6 as of February 1974 according to this mobilization chart, the Court of Honor Program and the charter renewal:

Schnuckek, Harold E, IR

Waltermire, Kent, cc - 39

Fineman, Phillip, MC

McCarthy, Paul, mc

O'Brien, T. Douglas, mc - 43

Pence, Dallas T, mc

Siedelmann, Robert, mc - 48

Trowbridge, Jim, mc - 18

Rigby, S.H., sm - 54

Brown, Donald, asm

Adams, Kevin, N

Brown, Douglas C, 1

Clark, Brian, N - 11

Clark, Daniel H, 1

Cook, Danny, L

Cutler, John F, N - 11

Frickey, Douglas, 1

Harris, George B, N

Hazelwood, Jim, 1

Hindman , Steven R, N

Lund, John E, N - 11

McCarthy, Bruce, T - 11

Miller, Bill, N

Mortensen, Keith, T

Mortensen, Wayne A, N - 11

O'Brien, Barry, T

O'Brien, Kevin D, S

Pence, Mitchell, 1

Polkingharn, David, N - 11

P'pool, David, 1

Rigby, John D, T

Schnuckel, Brian, T

Schwabedissen, Brent, 2

Siedelmann, James, 1 - 15

Waltermire, Douglas S, 1

Weitfle, W Paul, T

Frickey, Todd, N - 11

Robison, Brian, N - 11

Stibal, Travis, N - 11

© Cheryl Siedelmann 2012