By 1980 the Troop was in good health. The 81 roster has basically the same people, just adding Jerel Claunch.
Claunch, James W III, 1 - 13
Claunch, Joel H, 2 - 12
Dodge, Michael R, 1 - 13
Fogdall, Kaj, N - 12
Grasselchi, Michael, 2 - 14
Greenwood, Jeffery C, 1 - 13
Greenwood, Paul, 2 - 12
Krsul, Michael, N - 11
Laird, Edward W (Bill), S - 13
Laird, Stacey, T - 12
Morrow, Michael L, S - 14
Ng, Frank, 1 - 13
Rodriquez, Michael J S - 15
Rodriguez, Randy C, 1 - 13
Smith, Thomas, 1 - 14
Wallace, George R (Buddy) 2 - 12
Green, Gregory, E - 17
Kelso, James, T - 11
Cleveland, Robert E, N - 13
West, Scott, N - 11
White, Boone Rev., IH
Dodge, Richard, CC
Dickson, Richard, SC
Dodge, Rayola, MC
Greenwood, Reg, MC
Grassechi , Gary, MC
Laird, Ed MC
Laird, Sharon MC
Hayman, Guy, SM
Claunch, Jim, ASM
Siedelmann, Jim ASM
Muir, Doug, ASM
Morrow, Lee, ASM