Hurleys Scouts

Richard Hurley served as Scoutmaster from 1955 to 1970.  Sometime after that, he made a list of all the Scouts he could recall, and noted whether they made Eagle.  I have some other info from those years - charters, courts of honor, newspaper articles, but it is incomplete.  He didn’t remember everyone.  Many of the Eagles were invited to the Centennial of Trinity in 1983.

Key to Rank/ position Codes - 
    N - new scout      S - scout
    T - tenderfoot      1 - First Class
    2 - 2nd Class       St - Star
    L - Life               E - Eagle

IH - Institutional Head 
SC - Scout Coordinator (COR) 
CC - Committee Chairman 
MC - Member of Committee
SM - Scoutmaster
ASM - Assistant Scoutmaster (SA)

1955 - 13 scouts:

Eagle, Bill

Bowdman, Bob

Johannesen,  John

McMillan, Ken (Eagle)

Hurley, Richard, Jr. (Eagle)

Eluttoft, Jan

Bartlett, Jack

Kerlin, Wayne

French, Kirk

Morgan, Keith

House, David

Rogers, Lee

Eagle, Bob - (Eagle)

Troop 6 leaders in 1956

Hurley, Richard - SM

Munkers, Richard - ASM

Dillon, J. E. - ASM

Reid , David - ASM

Haga, Takeo - ASM

Heffner, Robert - MC

Ebersole, Earle - MC

Kobayashi, Eli - MC

Kobayashi, Geo - MC

Nagashima, Frank - MC

Shearer, Kenneth - MC

Hartman, L. D. - MC

Feb. 11, 1960 - Post Register article about a Court of Honor:

Kobayashi, Eli - E (adult)

Kobayashi, David - E

Dillon, Gary - E

Nagashima, Gary - E

Heffner, Bob - E

Ebersole, Steve - E

Hurley, Richard Sr. - E (adult)

Hurley, Richard Jr. - E

Reed, Scott - E

Edwards, Richie - E

Erickson, Gary - 1

Davis, Michael - 1

Dixon, Bobby - 1

Heston, Reed - 1

Jeffery, Boyd - 1

Pugh, Craig - 1

Bingham, Darrell - 2

Cahoon, Lynn - 2

Oyler, Jimmy - 2

Patterson, Douglas - 2

Reed, Ricky - 2

Sanwick, Paul - 2

Feb. 9, 1961 - Post Register Article - 40th anniversary celebration advancement:

Mansfield , David - E

Harrison, Ronnie - 2

Jeffery, Arthur - 2

Reed, Ricky - 2

Gump, Dwain - 2

Oyler, Jimmy - 2

Fee, Dennis - 2

Dickover, Jeffery - 2

Haga, Roger - 1

Poitevin, Richard - 1

Jan. 20, 1962 - recharter package, not much info here:

Adams, Douglas

Bartlett, Frosty

Bingham, Darold

Brown, Russell

Byron, Don

Clark, Johnny

Eagle, Richard

Ebersole, David

Gritting, George

Gurdinger, Robert

Haga, Rodger

Hansjergen, Gary

Hartman, Richard

Jeffery, Boyd

Johnston, David

Kennedy, Rich

Kramer, Jackie

Latchum, John

Light, Arthur

Longmore, Marky

Mah , Marshall

Mansfield , Dennis

Murphy, Steve

McCallum, Allan

Oyler, Jimmy

Poitiven, Richard

Reed, Ricky

Spencer, Ronald

Troche, Nick

Wallin, Bill

Wagner, John

Wilkie, Roger

Wing, Ronnie

Wold, Tom

Wood, Ken

Beaumont, Stephen

Feb.1963 - Post Register article on Eagle COH:

Latchum, John, E

Murphy, Steve, E

Feb. 1964 Post Register article on Eagle COH:

Radd, David, E

Crighton, John, E

December 1965 - recharter papers:, name, age, position/rank

Kobayashi, Eli, 51 - IR

Crighton, John M, 40 - CC

Eagle, Henry, 57 - TC

Law, Ned E, 39 - TC

Taylor, Keith D - TC

Masterson, R. G, 41 - TC

Nelson, Bernard, 48 - TC

Brausa, Carl O, 41 - TC

Wallace, Jack L, 41 - TC

Blodgett, Rex L, 14 - TC

Adams, Douglas, 14 - L

Hartman, Richard, 15 - L

Brausa, Greg, 12 - 1

Burroughs, Blair, 14 - St

Crighton, John B, 12 - 1

Imerson, Jerry, 11 - T

Masterson, Gary, 13 - 1

Masterson, Thomas, 11 - T

Poitevin, Bruce, 14 - 1

Staley, Barry, 13 - S

Staley, Kenney, 11 - S

Taylor, Nick, 14 - L

Blodgett, David, 14 - L

Crighton, Marc J, 14 - St

December 1966 - recharter papers:, name, age, position/rank, if on 65 also 

(38 scouts)

Neiwert, Leonard W, 33 - TC

Rhode, Kenneth L, 42 - TC

Strahm, Rolf C, 33 - TC

Gildersleeve, Richard, 45 - TC - 1965

Blodgett, Rex L, 45 - TC

Taylor, Clarence A, 39 - TC

Hurley, Richard, 51 - SM - 1965

Trowbridge,  Jay V, 50 - ASM - 1965

Haga, Tak (Takeo), 44 - ASM

Kanatzar, Harry H, 51 - TC - 1965

Reich, Charles W, 39 - TC

Schnuckel, Harold E, 41 - TC

Siedelmann, Robert E, 41 - TC

Lantz, Bruce A, 32 - TC

Miles, Lorin, 40 - TC - 1965

Blodgett, David, 14 - L

Crighton, Marc J, 14 - St

Crighton, Robin, 13 - 1

Farkas, Paul, 11 - T

Freeby, Steve, 11 - T

Gammill, Jeffery, 12 - S

Gildersleeve, Penn, 14 - E - 1965

Haga, Mark, 14 - L - 1965

Hammond, David, 12 - S

Jenkins, Barney, 14 - L - 1965

Kobayashi, Wayne, 13 - St - 1965

Kanatzer, Steve, 13 - St - 1965

Law, Mike B, 14 - E - 1965

Mah, Edwin L, 14 - 1 - 1965

Miles, Ricky, 13 - St - 1965

Murphy, Mike, 12 - S

McClenahan, Randy, 12 - S

Neiwert, Barry, 12 - S

Nelson, Greg A, 12 - S - 1965

Peterson, Jason, 12 - S

Reich, Paul, 11 - T

Rhode, Kenneth, 11 - T

Schwartz, Lyle, 12 - S - 1965

Schmunk, Peter, 13 - L - 1965

Schnuckel, David, 12 - S - 1965

Siedelmann, Dan, 11 - T 

Spickelmire, Chuck, 13 - S

Strahm, David, 13 - St - 1965

Strahm, Richard, 12 - S

Taylor, Ricky, 12 - T

Trowbridge, James, 11 - T

Trowbridge,  Jay V, 14 - L - 1965

Wackerlie, Stan, 14 - L - 1965

White, Luke, 13 - 1 - 1965

Haga, Roger, 16 - L

Wall, Marion, 12 - S

Wall, Dennis, 11 - S

Wilkie, Douglasv11 - T

1968 - Eagles and Leaders from Post Register articles:

Kobayashi, Wayne - E

Murphy, Mike - E

Neiwert, Barry - E

LeBoeuf, Andy - E

Hammond, David - E

Schnuckel, David - E

Ronde, Kenneth - E

Taylor, Rick - E

Freeby, Wayne - CC

Rhode, Kenneth - MC

Hayden, Willard C - CC

March 11, 1970 Court of Honor program - last number is Tenure.

Atkinson, Jim, E - 4

Freeby, Steve, E - 4 - SPL

Trowbridge, Jay, E - 4

Solbrig, Wayne, L - 1

Pence, Doug, St - 2

Arnold, Ralph, 2

Pence, Mitchell, 2 - 1

Malone, Mike - 3

Baldwin, Art - 1

Cook, Danny - 1

Beckman, Wade - 1

Bell, James - 3

David, Doug - 1

Ellsworth, Rodney - 2

Fineman, Keith - 4

Frickey, Brian - 1

Frickey, Steve - 3

Kantzar, Doug - 1

Lang, Steve - 4

LeBoeuf, Andrew - 5

McVean, John D - 1

Neiwert, David - 2

O'Brien, Kevin - 1

Schmitt, Mike - 2

Schwabedissen, Randy - 2

Stopper, Robert - 3

Strahm, Richard - 5

Strahm, Steve - 1

Webber, Kim - 3

Last One - Here are all of the names that I couldn’t match to a year.  Those are - 

56, 57, 58, 59, 61 (part), 63 (part), 64 (part), 67, 68 (part), 69.  This is 78 of the 211 Scouts he listed.

Akey, Roland

Atkinson, Roland

Baird, Tom

Baker, Bill

Bigelow, John

Bogar, James

Bowman, Tom

Boyd, Ronney

Brown, Steve

Brown, Tom

Cahoon, Gary

Croft, Mike

Davidson, Richard E

English, Eric

Erickson, Lynn

Fitch, Glen

Floyd, Greg

Floyd, Ricky

Givens, Kevin

Graves, Don

Greenbaum, Hyrum

Gullipson , Greg

Hanmi, Don

Hatch, Mark

Hayden, Greg

Hobson, Charles

Hobson, Richard

Howell, Brant

Hurley, Paul

Iverson, Adam

Jeffery, Rod

Jenkins, Chuck

Jenkins, Ralphie

Johns, Bobby

Johnson, Jim

Joyner, Rickey

Kaufman, Bill

Kaufman, John

Kemp, Ronald

Kobayashi, Kay

Kochevar, William

Lakey, Richard

Lantz, Keith

Law, Jerry

Light, Harvey

Logan, Robert

Lyon, Chris

Matheis, Bill

McDonald, Mike

McMillan, Mike

Mikisell, Chris

Munkers, Mike

Murphy, Eddy

Nagashima, David - E

Nagashima, Eddy - E

Pattee, Richard

Pattee, Robert

Patterson, Mike

Perry, Richard

Peterson, Kevin

Pugh, Robert

Rhode, Larry

Rhodes, John

Rohde, Donald

Roland, John

Sargent, David

Shake, Dennis

Shea , David

Simons, Mike

Solbrig, Harold

Stron, Brad

Swanston , David

Thomas, Terrell

Vance, Tom

Waker, Charles

White, Lewis

Willmont, Danny

Wood, Dick

© Cheryl Siedelmann 2012